Компания Tannoy получила награду "2005 HOME CINEMA CHOICE AWARD" за лучшую систему домашнего кинотеатра Arena.
Спустя пару недель после выхода в продажу эта серия получила ряд положительных отзывов от известных издательств:
Home Cinema Choice:
2005 'Speaker System of the Year'
“I was beguiled by Tannoy's new Dual Concentric driver, which helps the system deliver very wide angle coverage, providing a well-balanced sound almost anywhere in the area surrounded by the satellites.” “There's no doubt that these are stunning speakers. A great deal of thought has gone into their aesthetics and build.”
Home Cinema:
“The WideBand design gives the system an uncanny ability to focus effects, spreading sound around the room while still keeping it knitted tightly together” “…..the breadth, depth and sheer impact of the sound the little Arenas can deliver is nothing short of a revelation”
“The Tannoys perform incredibly well with music, both stereo and multichannel.”
Media Totaal (Holland):
2005 'Loudspeaker of the Year'
Данный комплект Вы можете приобрести в нашем магазине Marantz-Tannoy в ТВЦ "Горбушкин Двор", павильон Е1-008 или заказать на сайте