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видео, цифровой VAN DEN HUL MC - SILVER IT MK II 75 Ohm (single) - в избранное

VAN DEN HUL MC - SILVER IT MK II 75 Ohm (single)

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VAN DEN HUL MC - SILVER IT MK II 75 Ohm (single) - обзор, характеристики

Тип: межблочный кабель 
Длина, м.: 1.2
Материал изолятора: HULLIFLEX
Материал проводника: OFC + Ag
Сечение: 0.597 мм2
Особенности: Сопротивление (20 °C / 68 °F) : проводник 2.87 Ом/100 м, экран 0.77 Ом/100 м
Внешний диаметр: 7.0 мм

With our highly acclaimed MC - SILVER IT Mk II Coaxial in steady demand since its introduction in 1982, an often heard question was whether it could yield likewise improvements in perceived quality when used as a high frequency link to transport 75 Ohm radio, TV, video and even SPDIF (consumer format) digital audio.
Regarding its extremely high bandwidth (GHz range) and extremely low attenuation it would certainly apply. However, since the characteristic impedance of our MC - SILVER IT Mk II Coaxial is a very constant 60 Ohms we have always advised against such usage: its impedance mismatch in equipment designed for 75 Ohm signal transport would cause transmission quality degrading signal reflections.

We therefore have decided to introduce our MC - SILVER IT Mk II 75 Ohm:
This cable is specially adapted to maximum quality 75 Ohm signal transport as found in SPDIF digital audio (CD to DAC) and radio / TV / video (including home theater) applications. However, since the design of this cable only slightly differs from our MC - SILVER IT Mk II Coaxial and employs the same high grade materials, the MC - SILVER IT Mk II 75 Ohm is equally well suited to be used in high quality audio applications as a single-ended (unbalanced) interlink as our MC - SILVER IT Mk II Coaxial is.

With the MC - SILVER IT Mk II 75 Ohm all production handling is done with extreme care and maximum attention is paid to maintain a very constant characteristic impedance along the whole cable as well as in the micro domain to prevent signal reflections even up to very high frequencies.
The centre lead consists of a 19 strand extreme high grade Matched Crystal (MC) extruded OFC with a very high density extruded Matched Crystal (MC) purest silver coating applied in a mechanical processing.
The diameter of this centre conductor is: 1.0 mm. and the cross-section area is 0.597 mm². The centre lead resistance is a remarkably low: 28.7 Ohm/km.
The typical capacitance is: 56 pF/meter.
The insulation between core and shielding is made of Teflon tape in several layers with a typically low relative dielectric constant of 1.4.
The shielding is made of a helical wound very pure silver ribbon with external dimensions 2.5 x 0.05 mm.
An additional braiding made of 192 x 0.10 mm. Matched Crystal (MC) OFC wires with a very dense coating of very pure silver is used.
The external insulation is made of a special type of HULLIFLEX ®, i.e. HULLIFLEX ® EHD. This specific insulation material is too costly to be used in all our products.

The frequency range is flat to minimal 15 GHz and within 0.92 dB/meter attenuation even up to 21 GHz. And even at 25 GHz the attenuation is just 1.04 dB/meter.
The working temperature ranges from -100 to +80 °C (-148 to +176 °F).
Precaution must be taken to prevent bending over a very small radius. The minimum safe value of the bending radius is 70 mm.
The external diameter of the MC - SILVER IT Mk II 75 Ohm is: 7.0 mm.; a size that perfectly matches our C - 7.3 RCA type and BNC - 7.0 BNC type connectors.

Packing: depending on ordered length. But.......... with great care and full attention to prevent any damage.
The MC - SILVER IT Mk II 75 Ohm is "ready made" available in any specified length starting from 60 cm.

Cable Type: Coaxial
Conductor Material: Strands with a thin high purity Matched Crystal OFC core and a thick High purity dense Matched Crystal Silver layer; Screen includes a high purity Matched Crystal Silver ribbon.
Design Purpose / Application Area(s): Highest quality level 75 Ohm HF applications, SPDIF digital interconnect and high quality audio applications
Eff. Conductor Ø / Eq. AWG No. / Strands: Core: 0.597 mm² / Core: AWG 19.4 / Core: 19; Screen: 192 + Ag tape
External Diameter / -Dimensions: 7.0 mm.
Resistance (20 °C / 68 °F): Core: 2.87 Ohm/100 m.; Screen: 0.770 Ohm/100 m.
Capacitance: 56 pF/m.
Characteristic Impedance: 75 Ohm
HF Performance Graphs: Attenuation / Transfer Impedance
Insulation / Dielectric Strength / Test Voltage: Core: PTFE tape; Jacket: HULLIFLEX ® EHD / 300 Vrms min.
Connector Types Suitable: Amphenol, our BNC type BNC - 7.0 and our RCA type C - 7.3; The latter two custom mountable on any ordered length.
Standard Sales Units / -Lengths: Single packed in luxe wooden box with RCA or BNC (unbalanced) connectors in 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 m. lengths; Other lengths: please consult your van den Hul dealer or the van den Hul distributor in your country.
Jacket Colour(s) Available: Transparent cobalt blue
(Earlier versions: transparent white)
Remarks: In the MC - SILVER series are also available: The MC - SILVER IT Mk II Coaxial, The MC - SILVER IT 65 G, The MC - SILVER IT Mk II Balanced and The MC - SILVER IT Mk III Balanced.

0,6 м-654у.е  0,8 м-827у.е  1 м-995у.е  1,2 м-1168у.е  1,5 м-1422у.е

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